Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pain from Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts by David Wessel and Bob Assignment

Pain from Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts by David Wessel and Bob Davis - Assignment Example Mr. Alan S. Blinder a former Federal Reserve Board vice chairman along was a protagonist of free trade along with many other economists. Such a turnaround stems from the echoes of resentment among the employed middle class on the threat posed to their secure employment through the estimate â€Å"30 million and 40 million jobs are vulnerable†. Free trade was touted as good for American business and American consumers. American businesses were expected to do better from using the cheap labor in the developed worlds, while the America consumer would benefit from the lowering of costs. Yes, free trade has done that, but the average American consumers are losing employment from outsourcing of jobs that were not expected to leave the shores of the country. Manufacturing was anticipated as the major aspect of outsourcing, while the expectations were that white collar jobs were would not be affected. However, the actual story has been different along with outsourcing of manufacturing there has been a strong flow of white-collar jobs to countries like India and China, where the skill sets for these jobs are present and cost less. So why did this happen? It is not that free trade is bad, but the changes that would result were not truly anticipated, hence the preparations to face the challenge of change was not adequate. Mere retraining of employee skills is insufficient. The instilling of higher knowledge and skills has to go down to the grass root level, which means that appropriate changes to education have to be put in place.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Journals for as I Lay Dying Essay Example for Free

Journals for as I Lay Dying Essay Most authors give small details throughout the novel of where and when a story takes place, and the reader must piece the bits together. As I lay dying is no exception and like any other book gives many examples of setting. First off you can tell that the story takes place many years ago through simple statements given throughout the novel. For example, when it says that all of the women inside of the house had to use fans to cool themselves it suggests that air conditioning was not around yet, therefore it was an earlier time. (Page 81) Also throughout the entire beginning of the novel Cash’s only tools for building Addie’s coffin are a saw and hammer, there is no mention of any newer power tools. Then when Anse is talking to some of the other men about transporting Addie’s coffin a character mentions that the bridge was built back when his first child was born in 1988. (83) Also on page 83 when the flooding of said bridge is noted someone comments on how they had to float their horses across the water to get to Anse’s house. This shows that the novel took place many years ago in the late 1800’s when people relied on horses to get around. Also whenever anyone mentions transportation they talk about their wagons aka: They travel in wagons because cars do not exist yet. The final piece of evidence which shows the story took place some time back is when Cash is finally finishing Addie’s coffin at night in the pouring rain and he has to use a lantern to see in the dark. (Page 57) It shows that this novel took place before flashlights were around because Cash had to give up his raincoat to keep the lantern dry and lit whereas if this had taken place at a more current time he would have used a flashlight and kept himself dry. The time frame which this story takes place stays consist but the place changes as the novel progresses. In the beginning we learn that the Bundruns house sits alone right in front of a road (page 35) Then later when doctor Peabody comes to visit we learn that they live atop a mountain (page 41) Another thing noted is that the Bundruns own a good amount of property for their limited funds and th ey own their own barn house as well. (Page 38). Later the story takes place on the road as the Bundruns make their way towards Jefferson. One of the many examples of this is on page 156 when Anse mentions the slippery dirt road and the difficulties it might pose for the remainder of their travel. Journal 2 and 3: mother is a fish tools=cash Addie=coffin Anse unable to smooth blankets page 51 jewls mother is a horse and is what was 95 The fish plays a symbolic role in helping Vardaman understand death. â€Å"It was not her because it was laying right yonder in the dirt. And now it’s all chopped up. I chopped it up. It’s laying in the kitchen in the bleeding pan, waiting to be cooked and ate. Then it wasn’t and she was, and now it is and she wasn’t† (66-67). This was Vardamans childlike explanation for his mother’s death. This quote conveys how the fish was a fish lying in the dirt, now it is no longer a fish because it no longer has a body. Similarly when Addie is laid to rest in her coffin her body will be no more. By his mother dying if â€Å"Cash nails the box up†, his mother will no longer be his mother (66).Addie â€Å"was† a fish rather than â€Å"is† a fish. The fish symbolizes Addie’s death to Vardaman in a sense that physical being conveys existence. Throughout the beginning sections of the novel, Cash has always been described as sawing or hammering. The tools eventually start to represent Cash himself. In fact before anyone even see’s Cash the sawing and the hammering of his tools are heard first. Cash is very stable and persistent just like his tools. While Cash was constructing the coffin with his tools even when it began to rain, Cash continued to work. â€Å"Cash works on†¦dynamic immobility above his tireless elbow†¦It begins to rain†¦in an instant Cash is wet to the skin. Yet the motion of the saw has not faltered, as though it and the arm functioned in tranquil conviction that the rain was an illusion of the mind† (77). By having the saw not falter, Cash’s steady, stable character is portrayed He is the level headed and most sane of all of the Bundruns. The tools themselves represented Cashs true identity. If the tools were lost or not beside him he felt lost. When hes not safely with his tools he loses his sanity. New teeth symbolize Anse’s selfishness. Even while everyone is gathered around his wife’s death bed, he can only think about getting ahold of new teeth.† God’s will be done,† he says, â€Å"Now I can get them teeth† (52). Anse displays selfishness by his bluntness. He simply states what’s done is done and then focuses on himself. He is constantly putting the needs, and desires of his children aside and focusing on his own wants. Even Dewy Dells abortion is second to him. Anse’s only life goal/motive throughout the novel is to get a pair of new teeth, even his goal to bury his own wife where he promised comes in second to getting his new teeth. He only wishes to bury Addie in Jefferson out of his own selfish reasons. The teeth represent his selfishness because at any time when everyone else is worried about Addie, he is not; he is off thinking about new teeth. He does not even come across remotely upset at losing his wife instead he fantasizes about teeth. Jewels relationship with his horse represents his relationship with his mother. Darl makes fun of Jewel and says his mother is a horse, suggesting that what Jewel feels for the horse is what he feels for his mother.(page 51) Jewel does act violently toward his horse, but it should be noted that Jewl’s character is one of violence. Jewel was born as the result of violence because of what Addie wanted from preacher Whitfield. Jewel’s monologues show the violent images in his mind. He has a stronger personality than any of the other Bundruns and people seem to fear him. He even expresses his love for Addie through Violence when He stands on high hill and throws rocks at people down below. It is also important to remember that it is Jewel who violently and single-handedly saves Addie from the river and the fire.(page 203) These acts show his love for his mother. Even though at times it is hard to believe he ever had love for his mother, like when he refuses to say goodbye to her when he knows it is the last time her will ever see her. He simply can’t express his emotions except in symbols of violence, and the intense loving; violent relationship with the horse is what provides insight into his character. Therefore his horse symbolizes the love he has for his mother and suggests the violent circumstances of his birth. Addie’s coffin comes to represent the familys dysfunction. Cash is obsessed with getting the measurements right, yet the coffin remains unbalanced. Likewise all of the Bundruns themselves are unbalanced. Addie wants a coffin sturdy enough to insure her body gets to Jefferson, the city she has demanded she be buried in. Addies demand is selfish and she does not care for how much trouble it will cause her family. Cash breaks his leg when he goes after the coffin in the river and suffers untold pain. The youngest child Vardaman drills holes into the coffin accidentally drilling two holes into his mothers face because he thinks she can’t breathe. (page 71) After eight days, the odor emanating from the coffin is putrid. It is almost as if the coffin is a jinx.(page 239) The coffin begins to symbolize the family’s dysfunction because all of the unlucky and tragic things that occur to the Bundruns surround the coffin. Burying the coffin symbolizes the return to normalcy. Although the Bundruns version normalcy is sending Darl off to a mental institution and finding a new Mrs. Bundren. One important and symbolic event is when Addie was nearing her death and Anse is unable to smooth the blankets over her on page 51. This shows just how much their marriage had collapsed and how little they cared for each other. Anse has no true love for his wife in his heart, therefore caring acts such as smoothing her blankets while she is on her deathbed do not come naturally to him. Addie has no love for Anse either and she only glares at Anse as he attempts to smooth her blankets. She does not want his touch or him in the room even. Also in this scene when Addie finally passes Dewey Dell reacts emotionally and throws herself on her mother and Vardiman and Cash both react with some sadness as well. While Anse’s thoughts still seem to be stuck on teeth, he does not even comment further on his wife’s death he only tells Dewey Dell to go along and make supper and goes to once again awkwardly cover Addie with a blanket and try to smooth it. Journal 4: figurative language William Faulkner has a different writing style than most other authors, even his use of figurative language is one of his own. Something that stands out about his use of figurative language is that nine times out of ten he uses it to describe nature. For example, Faulkner uses a simile to show that an entire day has passed in only 1  ½ pages. He uses the position of the sun to show that it is already evening. â€Å"The sun, an hour above the horizon, is poised like a bloody egg upon a crest of thunderheads.† (page 39) Another thing one might notice about Faulkner’s technique is that he tends to compare people, objects, or characteristics with animals. One example of this is when Faulkner compares Anse to a rooster. â€Å"His hair was pushed back and matted up on his head like a dipped rooster†. (pg. 43) This was when Addie was very near to death and many neighbors were visiting her on her deathbed. Anse is outside on the porch standing alone, and zoned out in his own world. Faulkner uses this simile to show just how much Addie’s sickness/almost death has affected Anse. The reader gets the image of just how much stress Anse has been put under. (Although his anxiousness probably has a little more to do with getting new teeth than Addie) Another simile in As I Lay Dying is when the women’s chatting coming from inside the house is compared to the buzzing of bees. â€Å"The women’s talking was buzzing like bees in a bucket from inside the house.† (pg. 81) The author is comparing the women’s talking to bee’s to show how much more frantically and quickly they are chatting and gossiping as opposed to the men’s calmer, slower, and more series conversation. Journal 8: In its broadest terms, the structure of As I Lay Dying revolves around the preparations for and the actual journey from the Bundren farm to a town forty miles away in order t o bury Addie Bundren. Also, like most novels during the journey, several conflicts arise and the Bundruns must solve through them. So, in one sense, the novel has a linear structure based upon their traveling 40 miles from their mountain home to Jefferson to fulfill Addie’s dying wish, but the novel is also structured in such a way that the author has virtually removed himself from the story and it is the characters telling the story. There are exactly fifty-nine chapters in the novel and each is narrated by a character Faulkner accomplishes many things through his unique use of structure. For one thing he forces the reader to submerge themselves in the story. Because he has removed himself as a narrator there is no one straight point of view to explain events or ideas and the reader has to compare the different opinions and differing viewpoints from all of the characters and determine for themselves the significance of a particular event. Another thing different about his technique is that it allows us to see the inner thoughts of ALL the characters rather than just one main characters. We see into the mind of each character directly and must analyze what we find there. He does not give any background information on any of his characters; instead the reader must examine characters inner thoughts and on their own determine what type of characters they are. Along with this we are able to see each event from many different perspectives. With multiple narrations the reader can see each event from all of the differing viewpoints and observe how each character saw it and their own opinion on it. Because of this ,we learn more about the character. His unique style lets the reader become a part of the novel by drawing them in more and forcing them to piece together their own idea of what each characters personality is like. Another interesting thing about Faulkner’s style is that he is careful to include outside narrators to remind the reader that the Bundruns are not typical people. For example, all of the other characters find it absurd that Anse is going to drag his wife’s dead body such a long distance and they find it disrespectful to her spirit for him not to bury her as soon and as conveniently as possible. If the story were confined to only the Bundruns points of view, the reader would not realize that this dead body stinks so badly and that the Bundruns are violating basic morals by transporting the body such a long distance. The outside narrators give the novel a sense of the real world. In conclusion the book does have a central problem involving Addies request to be buried and her family determination to fulfill it, and then the structure of the novel forces the reader to solve these problems for themselves by analyzing each character. Journal 9 and 10: key passages â€Å"He did not know that he was dead. (P. 173) After Addie gave birth to Cash, she closed herself off to Anse. To Addie, her husband Anse was dead. This is apparent even in the beginning of the novel because one can sense the barrier between Addie and Anse. Addie has no interest in anything Anse says and does not even wish to see him in her final hours. Anse on the other hand does not even care about his wife’s death because he is preoccupied with getting new teeth. After Addie gave birth to Cash she starts to feel like Anse has taken her identity away from her, and that now she cannot be her own person because she is forced to be part of a family. She resents Anse for this. She also resents the attachment of being part of a family. This is why she feels like her aloneness has been violated. This is also the reason for Addie’s affair with Whitfield – to rebel against her role in the family. It is her own personal revenge against Anse. The product was Jewel. She then begins to share a special connection with Jewl. Darl and Cash belonged to Anse and she never really wanted them. Having them in the first place was really just about her duty as a wife. But Anse isn’t Jewel’s father; therefore, Jewel is Addie’s and only Addie’s. To her, Jewl is living proof that she was able to break out of her position as the wife and act as an independent person. Sometimes I think it aint none of us pure crazy and aint none of us pure sane until the balance of us talks him that-a-way. It’s like it aint so much what a fellow does, but it’s the way the majority of folks is looking at him when he does it. Page 248 This is said from Cash’s point of view, and is his opinion on whether or not Darl is Insane. Cash starts to contemplate what IS sanity exactly? Who is to determine what is and isn’t sane, what if what others might consider insanity is really just Darls refusal to conform to the social norms? When you consider all of the misery the Bundruns mission to bury Addie has created from beginning to end you may start to think that maybe Darl is not insane. The entire bunch of the Bundruns were crazy, abnormal and could in someone else’s opinion be considered insane. Jewl is unnecessarily violent, Dewy Dell is a whore, Anse is incredibly selfish, and even little Vardamin is out of sorts. Cash notes that maybe Darl is the only one declared insane because the rest of his family’s opinions outnumber his. This goes all the way back to the very beginning of the family’s dysfunctions starting with when Anse’s marriage with Addie fell apart and then Addie’s health failed. Throughout the entire book the Bundruns seem to have trouble getting along until finally the coffin is buried and they seem to return to their version of normal. Journals 5 and 6 One of the most obvious rhetoric techniques Faulkner uses is his writing style. It is written as a stream of consciousness, and it is so skillfully done that it adds depth to the novel. As I lay dying is told from multiple perspectives, and each chapter is narrated by a different character. Faulkners virtuosity is seen by the way he adjusts his style to fit the mind of each individual narrator. The reader is given more detail for each event because they are able to view the event from multiple perspectives. Faulkner has very skillfully imitated the way the human brain processes images and puts them into words. The reader is really placed inside the various characters heads. This rhetoric technique lets the reader experience the book as if they are omnisciently viewing the events themselves. Faulkner uses a lot of repetition in As I Lay dying to get certain points across.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Influences On Youth Today English Language Essay

The Influences On Youth Today English Language Essay Based on this chart is talk about my survey report on the people of the modern era to the age of the cinema. We can know that from this chart of survey report, that show the most of the female at 13 to 18 years old are more likely to watching movies at cinema. And the female above 19 to 25 years old are less to watch movies at cinema, that is because most people between this age are having a job and they are busy in their working so that why are few of the female in this age to watch movies at cinema. The male in between 13 to 18 years old is less than half of the males like to watch movies at cinema because they more likely to go to cyber cafà © sit down and play the computer games with friends. The age of the males between 19 to 25 years old normally is like to watch movies at cinemas but they only go at when they are free or off day of the job. Compare the age and the number of the female and male in my survey, the most in age 13 to 18 years old is more likely to watch movies at cinema and they most are agree that cinemas play an important part in the lives of the youths of the world now, especially the female they are strongly agree that. And they had learn more good things when they watch movies at the cinema, because have some movies are show the social problem in nowadays, and they can learn a lot of communication when they watching movies. And most the age in 19 to 25 years old, the people between in this age is normally willing to watch movies in cinema, because have some people say that cinema is so expensive for them, and cinema had spend their time. They more likely to spend their time at working and stay at home for rest when they are free or day off of their job. 1.1.1 Report of Survey conducted to research the influences on youth today III Based on this chart, I had done a research on movies goers about how cinema influences youth today. Over 60% people are agree the cinemas are playing an important part in the lives of youth of the world, and 17% people are going to be neutral and disagree. I had asking a questions about the youths spending more time watching movies, have over 50% people agree this question we ask, and 27% of people neutral, only 17% of people are disagree the youths are spending their time in cinemas. 60% people agree watching movies in the cinema is expensive but only 10% of the people arent agree watching movies in cinemas is expensive. Have above 40% of people are thought watching movies in the cinema is better than buying pirated discs, because buy an original pirated disc is expensive than watching at cinemas. Only few percent of people more likely buy the pirated discs watching at home. Have 33% of the people are agree cinemas should encourage more educational movies, because nowadays the youth s are like to watching movies at cinemas, so that cinemas can take this opportunity to transmit some education of social to the youth. And 30% of people have learn more good things when they watching movies, because some the movies is encourage a good situation and culture. And 40% of the people agree the cinemas help a lot in reducing study stress among youth that is because watching movies at cinema is an entertainment to the youth for spending their time. Have 50% of the people are agree movies played at the cinema create fantasies for youth. 1.2 Conclusion In my conclusion, movie is a mass media and a lot of people interested in watching movies to spend their time, it is the pass time activity for most of the youth. At cinema they can learn a lot of good things as well as bad things by watching movies. As they are all know it is a time pass event, so they were not get more impact with it but sadly got some people are getting the addicted with the movies and heroes and following their activity in their real life. However, cinema is playing an important part in the live of youth of the world now and cinema can be an entertainment activity for the youth. Answer 2.0 Question 2 Law KahMun 23, Jalan Medan, Taman Gemilang, 32110, Ipoh. Perak. Dato Sri MohdNajib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak 55, Jalan Sultan, Taman Seri, 33350, Ipoh, Perak. 22 October 2012 Dear Sir, The teaching of Science and Mathematicsin English. English makes up the main teaching language in schools for mathematics and science subjects. However, English is usual language around of the world, so that important to everyone. In Malaysia, our English education is being weak and lacking, students have to improve their English communicate and the knowledge. English must be in form better teaching; we should be having more classes or more subjects in English to improve their language knowledge. Another hand, English language is using everyday life in classroom and use at anywhere or maybe uses English to make a conversation with other people from others countries. Thus, English language should be implemented to all the students and teacher before they could learn and teach science and mathematics effectively. Implement English language in subject science and mathematics it is convenient to giving students a good basically english language knowledge and students can easily to adapt this two subject because almost company are using E nglish to operation the work and the name of science and mathematics is all in English. 2. English is inspecting an important language for immediate acquisition of knowledge in the subject of science and mathematics. In addition, is only Malaysia willing to use Malay language to teaching science and mathematics this two subject , because in this two subject is most to use English education for the teaching.Here have news about the teaching of science and mathematics in English, Malaysia has taught science and mathematics in English since 2003, when former Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad implicate English language in the two subjects of science and mathematics, he was to improved their English and employability.The students in rural district who are mainly in Malay, they are most suffered to learn this two subject of science and mathematics because theirEnglish proficiency was low.The Associated Press quoted Education Minister MuhyiddinYassin as saying. He said the government would to recruit more teachers and increase English classes in an effort to improve English levels in schools. A professor head of the school of arts and social sciences at Monash University in Malaysia call James Chin, he had said the resolution also became a political issue. And he said they decided to buckle under the pressure from the Malay nationalists who argue that by teaching students in English you are neglecting the position of the national language, so that think what it shows is that the Malay nationalists feel that U.M.N.O. is very weak so that they can force U.M.N.O. to do a lot of thing. 3. In this case, Im proposal using English to teaching these subjects of science and mathematics. Nowadays, English has set up itself as the most important language for trade as well as to learn it. So that is why how importance in learning Englishevery day. Hence now already taught English in science and mathematics, students are to be used the English in science and mathematics, so its shouldnt to change the language because most of the reference books are written in English.For example, a company is also use the term of mathematics in English, because that is easy expand to the outside world, this is importance in the business district where the business to develop a business or produces their data of the business, so it is important if the person wants to stay competitive in job fields. Thus, it is a very good way to learn science and mathematics in English as all the students can manage with their future studies.On top of that, government should be continue teaching science and mathematics in English and wont make it difficult for the students or it can comply with any jobs for further about these two subjects and students can adapt more easily to any university especially the overseas university. 4. As our standard of English language dropped significantly, government should to treat this as opportunities for the students to brush up their knowledge of the language instead of protesting about it. Moreoverthey may not be geniuses, but at least they can improve their language to be well by studying both subjects in English.Consequently, canmake their English better and obtain an advantage of using the same term in higher learning and references or the students have a chance to learn more about the international language of English. However, many parents and employers are also required to use English teaching both of these subjects, if the government taught Malay language in the subjects it is difficult to survive in the private sector for future.Further, many parents and employers strongly agree government to use english in both of these subject it is because Malayessentially only in the kampongs. Thence, fluent command of English is extremely essential to keep the nation compe titive. If teachingin English will make Malaysia stay competitive in the international arena and seeing students have a great opportunity for future expansion, try to venture at others country mot only in Malaysia. 5. English language can be enhancing the skills of science and mathematics and to enable science teachers to teach effectively using English as the medium of instruction.News aboutthe past 15 years, 90 per cent of our students cannot get into UAE universities without foundation years to improve their English, which is eating into 30 per cent of the budget of higher education institutions, so that talk about the students weak in English language is hard to study in a good university and difficult to adapt because they were weak in English but the university is most taught English language in written and references books forasmuch the students cannot keep up their scores. Hope Imost honorable Prime Minister willing to caution considersour proposal. Thank you Your Faithfully, __________________ (LAW KAH MUN) 2.1 Conclusion In my opinion, Im proposing the government provide taught English language in teaching science and mathematics. That is because in Malaysia most students are having a weak standard in English. Teachers and school should be improve their English knowledge and balance the standard with language level. In now a day, Malaysia pupils are going to venture into others country or leave their hometown to go to others university for study and do a successful business, but if their basic is lower they are hard to adapt the university that is there is using higher English level and hard to understand the documents when they should write a report. As a result of, government should give students a good basic in English from primary school, so that students can extension their life of future.On top of that, the English language is generally considered as an international language in the lingua franca of the global community.However, this study can to improve the further by including all schools in Malaysia and promote the national level of education and culture.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Identity in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North :: Season Migration North

Identity in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North Season of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih tells the story of a man searching for an identity he was unaware he had lost. Through his growing understanding of Mustafa Sa'eed's life, the central character eventually reconciles his own identity conflicts. Throughout Salih's novel the main character's identity is unclear. While the reader learns much about his background: educational, familial, and professional, his name is never mentioned. A surname is used in reference to his family, but is never applied to him. In once instance he is referred to by another character as "effendi" (85). This phrase, however, is an Arabic title roughly equivalent to "sir" rather than a name. The central character's namelessness serves to focus attention on another character with whom he develops an uneasy friendship: Mustafa Sa'eed. Mustafa entrusts the main character with his affairs after his death, including the key to a private chamber. When the central character enters the mysterious room and uncovers Mustafa's past, the identity conflict becomes apparent: †¦out of the darkness there emerged a frowning face with pursed lips that I knew but could not place. I moved towards it with hate in my heart. It was my adversary Mustafa Sa'eed. The face grew†¦ and I found myself standing face to face with myself. †¦a picture of me frowning at my face from a mirror. (135) Several parallels are drawn between the central character and Mustafa Sa'eed. Both speak English and had studied in London. Even though the central character had grown up in the village, his education and time abroad had made him as much an outsider as Sa'eed. Upon seeing his own reflection in the darkness, he believes it to be Mustafa, who he had grown to despise. As he moves closer to the object of his hatred, he discovers that he is "standing face to face with" himself. Mustafa represents to him all that he despises in himself.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Does Marketing Sharp the Needs and Wants of Customers or Reflect the Needs and Wants of Customers

Since as we knew marketing came to people’s life in the 1950s and 1960s. With the rapid improvement in marketing, there is an strong argument, which is marketing shapes the needs and wants or marketing reflects the needs and wants of customers. People used to define that marketing is selling goods which people do not really need. However, marketing concept defined as â€Å"achieving organizational goals depend on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors† (kotler, 2008). International markets are always changing. Facing the challenges of globalization of markets, the economy of regionalization and transnational business, business operators face a fierce competition in the market. They must establish the correct concept of marketing, a rapid and flexible response mechanism. Marketing is a key factor for business success. Achieving good performance businesses are all based on marketing for their own development-oriented. Marketing concept requires enterprises to adopt a consumer-centric approach, the production and sale of the reality that meet customer needs and potential needs of the goods, and to evaluate whether the enterprise to achieve customer satisfaction as the level of marketing standards. Marketing is to meet the needs of the people, meeting needs and desires of customer is the starting point of marketing. (Schmitt, 2001) The purpose of marketing is to satisfy needs of customers. In the highly competitive market, how to build competitive advantage is the key to success. Modern marketing concept that is the key to achieving organizational goals, correctly determine the target market's needs and desires. Moreover, they can supply and provide desired satisfaction more effectively than competitors. Company must establish and maintain long-term stakeholders, especially the good relations with customers. The reasons for who agree that Marketing shapes needs and wants of customers Marketing should identify those needs and wants which customers do not request. But company should go farther than customers, the customer is short-sighted. This is a competition-oriented marketing approach, which requires companies in marketing activities, must be constantly on the product and other factors that affect the marketing performance of innovation or improvement to be substantial. In order to ensure that customers will not flow to other companies. Sony is an example of creation of marketing, because it successfully into the customer has not asked or even thought of the many new products: music players, video recorders, video cameras, optical drives, etc. Sony is market-driven company. Create marketing is a customer-oriented, more competitive and technology oriented. They assume that the needs of customers may be potential. beyond the customer-oriented, is the business from their own core competencies, development strategy and competition and other constraint conditions. It is not only to meet customer needs, more important is the ability to create customer demands, which enable enterprises to survive and development of business ideas. Enterprises get rid of the intense competition in product homogeneity, not only in product quality, technological innovation and the development of marketable varieties, but also pay more attention to the potential demand of its target consumers, often insight into consumer psychology and their the tendency of consumption habits, research, analysis of consumption trends and spending power and tap their potential, the demand unnoticed to adapt to consumer demand based on the constant induction, be inspired, and quickly meet the new demands it. Marketing is not a creation of the creation of the blind, but on the basis of full investigation needs to target consumers based on the creation of psychology is to create and use of effective marketing strategies to start a potential combination. Greater profit margins of market segments, and create customer-oriented marketing concept that does not necessarily lead to customer satisfaction and loyalty, such as novelty in the novelty under the control of consumer psychology. Customer-oriented enterprises may lose industry insight, so that enterprises can take the lead in the future. Otherwise, the enterprise may loss the insight of market, because customers are often short-sighted Reasons for who agree with that marketing reflects needs and wants of customers It is is customer-oriented marketing philosophy. They assume that demand of consumer is realistic and clear. As people's living standards improve, people's demand for diversified and personalized directions. To be able to satisfy customers, enterprise must clearly recognize the needs of customers to produce marketable products. They need to be more timely and effective to meet those needs than competitors. Drucker,2005) The purpose of marketing is to make selling superfluous, marketing aimed at a profound knowledge and understanding of the customer, so that the product or service perfectly suited to people’s needs and the it will change selling products into sales by products themselves. My personal opinion of this argument No matter we consider that marketing reflects the needs and wants or shapes t he needs and wants of customers. The hypostasis of them is same, which in order to meet the needs of customers, achieve the objectives of company and improve values of customers. In addition, customer’s needs can be divided into potential needs and dominant needs. The primary thing for marketer is to recognize the real needs of customers, then develop appropriate strategies come to influence the production process. As market competition intensifies, customers for the homogenization of the products showed a fatigued, the innovation is the proper guide and a tool to meet customer demand. To sum up, there are just two different interpretations. The purpose is to define and handle the relationship between enterprises and customers. To be win-win situation is the final target. References: Drucker, P,2005, â€Å"Relationship marketing in consumer markets†,accessed 12/03/2011, http://www. boxingzhuoyue. com/ziyuan/shichang/343. html Kotler, P,Adam,S ,Denize,S;Armsrong,G 2008,Principles of Marketing,Frenchs Forest, Australia Schmitt, B 2001, â€Å"Experiential marketing: How to get customers to sense, feel, think, act, and relate to your company and brands†, accessed 12/03/2011, http://books. google. com. au/books? hl=zh-CN;lr=;id=d6TsNYeb1lUC;oi=fnd;pg=PR13;dq=marketing+shapes+customers+needs;ots=1dmyDRBAAV;sig=Sh11ccbodeJyycqaICtrCXA7Guc#v=onepage;q;f=false

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

What I will accomplish in This Course

In this semester I would like to improve and develop my English writing and reading skills thru English 122. English 122 is not only just a requirement for transferring to four-year institution, but also a benefit for my whole life. My ultimate goal is going to medical school in order to become a doctor in the United States, I believe what I am learning in English 122 will make a significant contribution to my career Writing is not just simply communicating ideas or expressing thoughts on paper; writing skill is essential because a person’s intelligence and personality can be seen and judged thru the paper he or she writes. Most importantly, good writing skill is essential to job interview. It is not avoidable that all the occupations need good writing to connect to employers and clients. If there is any misunderstanding between either clients or employers due to poor writing, it’s possible to loose jobs or contracts. As an international student, I never took neither English 116 nor English 118 during any semester in order to take English 122. In fact, the high school I graduated from had already prepared me to be eligible to take college level English class. One of the best parts of what I had learned in US high school is acknowledging grammar structure. When every time I take a look on my paper over and over, I can always tell where my grammar errors are and make corrections. For me personally, grammar is just made of a series of rules that I can easily memorize and go easy on it. On the other hand, I clearly feel myself lack of words through my essays, even though I am able to interpret things in simple ways. However, there is a big difference between college and high school writing and I believe that college level writing requires more sophisticated process and technique. If my essay is lack of words, specifically vocabulary and transition, the whole paper may not be interpreted that well. Another weakness I am very concerning is that I am not good at reasoning, a good paper must need to persuade readers to totally agree with my point of view. And I know my own explanation is not good enough to support my ideas. Applying to writing skills to real life, for instance, to medical school, neither scientific journals nor lab report can be presented verbally, both types of document must be written in sophisticate language. To let my professors and readers easily understand what I am trying to interpret, I definitely need a strong writing structure built up. And college level writing will build me the fundamental part in order to prepare for further education even job applications. Although I am in science major, I don’t want to think nor write as a scientist. Everything is not always static, so is the language. There might be a certain discipline in my paper but what I really want to learn from Mr. Leal is to think more critically, not simply just analyzing ideas of article, but also be able to stand on the other side to question the author.